Saturday, October 8, 2011

How To Stop The Pain

Fault Finders

Most of my life I have been a Fault Finder. I was good at what I did and proud of the work that I accomplished. Yet I know that when things did go wrong I would resort to the old finger pointing, people hurting, stab in the back techniques. Today I would rather take note to failures as I find better ways to accomplish each endeavor. Finding "who" is to blame destroys every one in the process. James Richards says it best......

"Finding fault is not the work of the Holy Spirit. It is not a spiritual gift. It is neither inspired by God nor led by God. Finding fault is the product of fear, low self-worth, and anger. It is a vain attempt to end pain by controlling and forcing others to change. It is the source of more conflict and lost love than almost any other factor. Our attempts to fix each other are killing us! The proof is obvious. Our attempts never work, but we refuse to consider the board in our own eye and continue to search for the sawdust in the eyes of others. Even when change is needed, transformation doesn’t happen by focusing on what is wrong.”-"How to Stop the Pain" by Dr. James Richards

The Book "How to Stop the Pain" is indeed a worth while purchase. (two thumbs up) What is known is that many of us live in pain daily just because it is part of life. What we may not understand is that we continue to suffer out of our own selfish behavior. We want to control our situation and our surroundings.

True Love will never come from CONTROL!! It will never be born out of constant nagging and manipulation. Our one basic need in life is being loved and loving others. When we understand that Christ loved us when we were YET sinners we start to understand that he never once condemned us or pointed at our mistakes all he did was freely gave his life for us so that our mistakes will forever be hidden in Him.

Truthfully we condemn ourselves by being a fault finder. We make our self look better and others worse when we point our fingers at others. Just remember that when you are pointing your finger at someone there are three fingers pointing back at you. Instead of trying to put others down be the best you can be in what ever you do as you work for God and that will bring others up!

Dr.James Richards understands and teaches that most of our pain is self inflicted. We may get a wound from someone else but we keep the suffering going by our own actions and misguided control of others. We have to admit our position in life, WE HAVE NO CONTROL!!! God Has ALL control and we need to align our self with his ongoing work. When we do that we will find that the suffering ceases and the pain is bearable.

Just another Byte Of Truth.......

Ron Bender